Red Light Therapy For Acne

Red Light Therapy For Acne – Clearing Up Your Skin Naturally

If you have acne, you’re definitely not alone. According to the Global Burden of Disease, approximately 85% of young adults aged 12–25 years are affected by acne vulgaris. If you’re tired of looking in the mirror and seeing blemishes on your face, it might be time to consider natural red light therapy for acne treatment options. Discover how you can get faster results with red light therapy for acne. 

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy For Acne

Red light therapy is a non-invasive way to kill acne-causing bacteria. The red light destroys propionibacterium acnes, which is responsible for causing most cases of acne. This works in one of two ways:

  1. Direct destruction of cells and inflammation
  2. Reduces cell division rate (the number of new cells produced) by photostimulation, which causes it to die off faster and in greater numbers than usual. 

It’s important to note that the lights are not lasers, and they do not burn your skin. They simply emit safe wavelengths of natural red light to your skin cells that target anti-bacterial agents.

How Does Red Light Treat Acne?

Red light therapy has been used to treat many different skin conditions, including acne. It’s possible that red light can help acne by promoting healing and reducing inflammation. Red light therapy also helps fight bacteria, which is a major cause of breakouts. Additionally, red light therapy helps decrease scars and hyperpigmentation by promoting collagen production. Using red light treatments for acne typically involves sitting in front of a special red-light therapy machine for about 10-15 minutes daily. Most people notice results after two weeks of use. If you want to clear up your skin naturally, it may be worth giving red light therapy a try!

Red Light Therapy At Home

You can find them online or at beauty supply stores for about $150-$200. The best treatments will cost around $300 up to $1500 and come with a rechargeable battery and carrying case. When you use it, be sure to do so in 10-15 minute increments (for your face) and 20-30 minutes (for your body). If you notice that your skin begins to feel tight, take a break for an hour or two, then resume. After a couple of weeks of treatment, you should see results!

You can learn everything you need to know about finding the best red light therapy panel through our complete buyer’s guide

Is There Any Side Effect From This Treatment?

Although red light therapy is generally considered safe and effective, there are still some side effects you should know about. Typically, acne will improve faster than expected with little to no discomfort or pain. Some people may experience a mild tingling sensation during treatment, which is completely normal. And because most skin types respond to red light therapy very well (including fair, olive, and dark skin), it’s almost always safe for everyone. Still, it’s best to consult your dermatologist before you decide to undergo red light therapy treatments in order to make sure that it is appropriate for your condition and type of skin.

Typical side effects may include:

  • Redness 
  • Skin tightening
  • Peeling/irritations 

When Can I Expect Results From This Treatment?

It’s important to remember that you aren’t going to see results overnight, but if you follow instructions carefully, you will start to notice a difference. Within two weeks of treatment, your acne should begin to clear up, and new blemishes should be fewer and farther between. However, most people won’t see complete results until after four or five months of using a red light therapy panel. Stick with it, though. Before long, you’ll be sporting smooth, clear skin! 

Can You Use Red Light Therapy With Other Acne Treatments? 

Using a quality red light therapy machine is by far one of the best ways to achieve great-looking skin. Use it daily or weekly for best results, especially in conjunction with an acne cream containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. And keep in mind that as your condition improves, use less cream each day because you’ll no longer need it as often!

Are There Other Treatments Available?

Many natural remedies are being used in both modern and traditional medicine to treat acne. While they don’t work for everyone, we now know that acne is a complex disease caused by a number of different factors, including hormones, stress, diet, and genetics. This means there are multiple ways to approach treatment and multiple paths you can take to clear your skin up for good. Some of these remedies include dietary changes (like adding more probiotics or fish oil), supplements (such as vitamin D3 or zinc), and over-the-counter medications (like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid). In addition, certain treatments, such as red light therapy, can be added to your treatment routine depending on what works best for you!

Final Thoughts: Red light therapy for acne is an effective treatment option  

Red light therapy for acne has made it possible to clear your skin without harsh chemicals or creams. As long as you have a red light device in your home, you can achieve the clear skin you desire. If there’s one thing you do to treat your skin, using red light therapy is it! 

You can clear up your skin with help from a complete guide that teaches you how red light therapy works and advises on what to buy and how to use it. Simply follow our buyer’s guide, and you’ll be well on your way towards clearer skin than ever before!

By Brianna

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