Infrared Light Therapy for Wrinkles

Have you considered infrared light therapy for wrinkles? 

Infrared light therapy has received a great deal of attention in the press lately, with some dermatologists claiming that infrared light therapy treatments can help with everything from acne to wrinkles. But are these claims actually true? If so, what kind of results can you expect? To answer these questions and many more, we have put together the top five benefits of infrared light therapy for wrinkles.

What is Infrared Light Therapy? 

Infrared light therapy, also known as infrared laser therapy or thermal radiation therapy, is a non-invasive treatment. It does not require needles or drugs to be effective and can help treat a wide range of conditions. According to many doctors, patients who undergo infrared light therapy often experience significant improvements in their symptoms. One area where infrared light therapy has become increasingly popular in treating wrinkles. The powerful rays emitted by infrared laser beams stimulate collagen production in skin cells, which plumps up your complexion by minimizing fine lines and creases. With long-term use, you can regain your youthful appearance and tighter skin without surgery or painful injections.

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Does Red Light Therapy Decrease Wrinkles?

With red light therapy, you can rejuvenate your skin, reduce wrinkles & fine lines, reduce scarring & blemishes, treat acne and boost collagen production.

There are many reasons why a person may develop wrinkles. According to several studies, wrinkle formation is most frequently associated with cross-linking, or a chemical reaction that occurs within our skin due to exposure to UV rays (from sunlight). Additionally, collagen and elastin breakdown (which cause elasticity) can occur as we age. While there is no cure for wrinkles, there are things you can do to reduce them or prevent them from getting worse. One such method is infrared light therapy for wrinkles. Since your body’s natural reaction to red light exposure increases nitric oxide production and vasodilation (the opening up of blood vessels), red light therapy is proven to help improve wrinkles increasing blood flow in your skin. Other benefits include reducing acne breakouts, improving skin tone and texture, treating psoriasis, reducing inflammation, and more. 

6 Benefits of Infrared Light Therapy For Wrinkles

1. Anti-Aging Results

A major benefit of this treatment is that it allows you to achieve anti-aging results at home with infrared light therapy. It helps to stimulate collagen production and reduce wrinkles by increasing blood flow to the skin. Increasing cell turnover provides the skin with the nutrients and oxygenation it needs for elasticity and firmness. A series of regular treatments can help decrease fine lines, deep wrinkles, acne scars, acne discoloration, scarring, and hyperpigmentation. Results are almost immediate after one session because skin naturally absorbs 80 percent of infrared energy right away without harmful UV rays or heat build-up that may cause damage or burns. Most users see results in two weeks if they continue weekly treatments until they reach their desired outcome.

2. An Alternative to Laser Procedures

While laser treatments are considered to be a safe, effective, and fast method of combating wrinkles, some patients are understandably reluctant to receive them. In addition to being expensive and painful, laser procedures also require recovery time before going out in public. If you’re looking for an alternative that provides similar benefits as lasers without causing damage to your skin or forcing you into hiding afterward, infrared light therapy might be worth a try. 

3. Relaxation of the Skin and Tissue

As with massage, infrared light helps to relax tension in both skin and muscle tissue. In fact, one of its most powerful benefits is helping to maintain elasticity in tissues; as we age, our tissues lose elasticity and begin to sag. As a result, we appear drained and worn out. The most important benefit of infrared light therapy is that it helps relax both your skin and tissue. 

By stimulating blood flow and oxygen, infrared light helps reduce puffiness and bags under your eyes and other places where wrinkles appear (like on your forehead). This can make a huge difference in how you look immediately. It also encourages collagen production, which keeps skin healthy over time. Even after a single treatment, you’ll notice some relief from crow’s feet and fine lines—making it easier to look less tired and more rested at work or in public. This relaxation effect also makes infrared light very helpful if you have cellulite, which is caused by deposits of fat beneath the surface of skin.

4. Increased Cellular Energy

As we age, our bodies produce less and less ATP—the energy that cells use to do everything from pumping blood to fighting off germs. Without adequate cellular energy, your body’s tissue degenerates, causing sagging skin and wrinkles. While exercising can help increase ATP production in muscles and improve circulation, it may not be enough to stop wrinkles in their tracks. In fact, a study published in a 2008 issue of Microscopy Research and Technique found that using infrared light therapy—with or without exercise—increased ATP levels by up to 24 percent in non-exercising muscle tissue. This is because infrared light helps promote blood flow and oxygenation, making more oxygen available to your cells. The extra oxygen boosts ATP production, which leads to more energy for all of your body’s processes. 

5. Increased Collagen Production 

Collagen is a protein that keeps skin firm and elastic by providing structure and support throughout different layers of skin. When you’re young, you have plenty of collagen on hand; however, as you get older, collagen starts breaking down faster than it can be replaced through natural processes. This leads to wrinkles, drooping eyelids, sagging jowls – you name it! According to recent studies, light ranching from 600 to 1300 nm is helpful in promoting collagen production, wound healing, tissue repair, and skin rejuvenation.

Infrared Light Therapy for Wrinkles
Image Source: LUMI8

6. Increased Blood Flow

If you look closely at your skin, you’ll see that there are tiny capillaries that carry blood through. Heat can make these vessels dilate, improving circulation and nutrient delivery. This encourages collagen production to give you plumper, healthier-looking skin. Many people notice a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles after just one treatment—and since infrared treatments are comfortable and non-invasive, they’re an ideal choice if you’d like to try some at-home wrinkle prevention. Best of all? Infrared is a natural way to make sure your skin stays as healthy as possible!

How Long Until You See Results?

Infrared Light Therapy for Wrinkles

While there isn’t an exact timeframe in which you’ll see results, it generally takes about a month to begin seeing them. For example, your skin will feel softer within a few days, and wrinkles may become less noticeable after several weeks. After using infrared light therapy for about six months, many users find that their skin has been effectively revitalized and rejuvenated. Results do vary from person to person, however. Some people report seeing visible improvement as early as four weeks. Others say they don’t notice any difference until they’ve used it continuously for at least six months.

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How to Choose the Right Panel

When choosing an infrared panel, you need to consider a few factors, including your budget, size, and whether you want a handheld or stationary model. The biggest factor will be power. You can choose from panels that give off short-wave or long wave infrared light. Long wave panels have more power than short-wave models and penetrate deeper into your skin; however, they tend to cost much more than short-wave models.

Most dermatologists recommend high-power long wave and portable designs because they allow users to target specific problem areas. Look for panels that offer 850nm (infrared) or a combination of 660nm (red) and 850nm wavelengths.

If you are only interested in treating your face and neck area, LED face masks are your best option. What’s most important is finding a tool that works with your skin type and needs (and budget!). Learn more about the top 5 best red light therapy panels that are powerful and affordable. 

Final Thoughts

You can do your best to avoid wrinkles, but you will never be able to prevent them entirely. However, with infrared light therapy, you may slow down skin aging and protect your face from premature aging caused by pollutants and UV radiation.

Protecting your skin now means that you’ll enjoy younger-looking skin for a longer period of time and will have more ways to prevent visible wrinkles from taking over. In addition, many women report more even-toned skin and clearer complexion after treatment sessions with one of these devices.

If you are interested in trying infrared light therapy for wrinkles at home, there are many products available on Amazon that retail for under $150. You can also find some good alternatives on eBay at very affordable prices as well!

By Brianna

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