red light therapy and weight loss

If you’re trying to lose weight but aren’t seeing results, you may wonder if there are other options out there to supplement the diets and workout routines you already follow. 

Red light therapy, which harnesses red light to target fat cells, promises to help those who use it burn more calories and lose more weight than they would with diet and exercise alone. Is red light therapy for weight loss actually effective? Read on to find out what research says about red light therapy and weight loss.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy, sometimes called photobiomodulation, is a procedure in which specific wavelengths of light target skin cells. In theory, red light therapy is thought to treat various ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis and even certain types of cancer. However, little research has been done on red light therapy specifically as a treatment for any disease. 

More research has looked at red light therapy’s effect on muscle recovery from injury; evidence suggests that using laser equipment three times per week for two weeks may increase the range of motion in people with hamstring injuries. 

Based on these studies, some doctors think that red light therapy may help speed up muscle repair after exercise or injury by assisting muscles to recover more quickly.

Read: What is Red Light Therapy: 6 At-Home Red Light Devices

Does Red Light Therapy Help Weight Loss? 

The answer is that red light therapy can positively affect weight loss, but it’s not a magic bullet. Any successful plan to lose weight comes down to two things: burning more calories than you consume and developing healthy habits, including exercise. 

Red light therapy does support these goals—and some studies suggest it can be an effective tool for reducing cellulite—but you still need to put psychical effort to see maximum results. Before you begin any new treatment for your body, make sure your doctor gives you all of the facts about how using red light therapy may impact your overall health or health goals. After all, no one treatment will solve every problem; getting healthy isn’t just about looking better but feeling better too!

How Does Red Light Therapy Help Reduce Fat?

Red light therapy is an alternative treatment for a variety of medical conditions. Some medical professionals even use red light therapy to reduce fat. This type of treatment increases blood flow – reducing swelling and promoting healing. 

With improved circulation comes weight loss, so many people turn to red light therapy in hopes of shedding pounds. But does it work? Red light therapy may help boost your metabolism and improve blood circulation, but there’s no evidence that it will help you lose weight faster than other methods like dieting or exercise. Instead, RLT works in combination with other weight loss methods to maximize your results. 

If you’re looking for a quick fix, remember that any method you choose must be combined with healthy eating habits and regular exercise—otherwise, you won’t see results at all! 

Here are four ways red light therapy aids in weight loss: 

1. Lowers Insulin Resistance

One of insulin’s primary functions is to control glucose metabolism, but when high levels are present for extended periods of time, insulin begins to store glucose as fat instead. 

Long-term elevation of insulin has been linked to obesity, making red light therapy an appealing option for anyone looking to lose weight. A study conducted in 2002 found that during four minutes of red light therapy, 80% of fat was shed, while after six minutes, 99 percent of fat was released. 

Researchers speculate that light waves may work in tandem with an affected hormone called leptin, which regulates hunger and satiety. Leptin levels have been shown to increase significantly following a session of red light therapy. The increased leptin leads to increased feelings of fullness, helping you stay away from junk food cravings throughout your day.

Red light therapy and weight loss

2. Enhances Muscle Mass

One of red light therapy’s most noteworthy benefits for people who exercise is that it can help build muscle. Both a 2011 study in Lasers in Medical Science and a 2010 study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found red light therapy to enhance performance, accelerate recovery, and decrease muscle soreness. People who used low-level laser therapy, or LED, while they were exercising saw reduced pain in their muscles after working out—even when they exercised hard enough to cause DOMS. 

The researchers also found that patients who received LED treatments had increased blood flow to their injured muscles, which helped them heal faster. Researchers have yet to confirm whether red light therapy has similar effects on healthy muscle tissue. Still, some experts believe it could help speed up muscle growth by reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow.

3. Decreases Inflammation

In addition to its potential weight-loss benefits, red light therapy may also be effective for people dealing with conditions related to chronic inflammation. This includes osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), reactive arthritis (ReA), bursitis, and gout. 

Red light therapy can help ease inflammation by activating a group of cells called nitric oxide synthase in skin cells. It does so through something called molecular resonance – basically tuning certain frequencies of light to specific structures in our cells. The result is reduced inflammation throughout your body.

4. Aids in Better Sleep

It’s no secret that getting a good night’s sleep makes you more productive—and better able to lose weight. Red light therapy is known to have a positive effect on melatonin levels, helping users fall asleep faster and sleep deeper. 

In one study, Chinese female basketball players underwent a 14-day study to determine the effect of red light on sleep quality and endurance performance. The study found that using red light to treat the entire body improved sleep quality, serum melatonin levels, and endurance performance among elite female basketball players.

When you get a good night’s sleep, you’re burning fewer calories (so you may need to eat less). For this reason, any way of improving your quality of rest can help with weight loss too.

Can I Use Red Light Therapy at Home?

Like a spa-based red light therapy session, purchasing an at-home system can be pricey but worth the long-term investment. Some companies offer red light therapy products for between $500 and $1,000. The cost of treatment generally depends on how many sessions you want to do in a week. Most out-patient RLTs allow users to complete two or three one-hour sessions per week for about five weeks to see results. 

But again, if you want an at-home option or just don’t want to spend that much money on treatments you may or may not use long term, there are less expensive ways to try out red light therapy before making a significant investment at a clinic. 

Check out our top recommeded affordable at-home devices

How Long Will It Take to See Results? 

Red light therapy works to slim down your thighs, hips, stomach, and arms. The treatment reduces fat tissue by increasing blood flow and boosting collagen production in fat cells. 

Some people notice a difference after just one session, while others need more time—it all depends on your body’s reaction to red light therapy. 

Usually, you’ll start to see results after 4-6 treatments, but many people opt for 10 or more sessions before reaching their goal weight. If you’re looking for fast results, 2-3 treatments per week are ideal, but it can be hard on your skin if you do that every week for long periods of time. You may want to plan out a course of 5-10 treatments spaced out over three weeks instead.

Final Thoughts: Red Light Therapy Can Assist With Weight Loss and Muscle Repair

Red light therapy for weight loss

Red light therapy can aid weight loss by stimulating cell regeneration, reducing inflammation, and boosting energy levels. However, there’s still a lot we don’t know about red light therapy, including how well different wavelengths work in relation to weight loss. 

According to some studies, red light therapy for weight loss is an effective treatment option. However, more research is needed to make conclusive claims. 

For now, consider integrating red-light therapies into your overall health plan. The results may surprise you!

Do you believe red light therapy can help you lose weight? Or are there better options for weight loss? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts! 

By Brianna

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